Retro fashion shoot – novel way to raise money by Cheltenham ME/CFS group | 22 July 2012

July 13, 2012

Fun, wicked and ever so slightly decadent… a local ME/CFS group in Gloucestershire has found a novel way of raising money for themselves. And it could set a new fundraising trend!

The Cheltenham Fibro and ME/CFS Babes and Guys (the clue for how they view themselves is in the name) will be taking over the borough's premier private photographer's studio on Sunday, July 22, for a Retro Photo Shoot in which photographers will be charged £30 for the privilege of taking pictures of men and women draped in glamorous clothing from years past… while visitors pay £3 to see what's going on.

Group leader Alice Reeve, who will be there to see that everything stays strictly kosher, said: “We're asking people to turn up in outfits from the Flapper Girls of the ‘twenties through to the ‘nineties. The serious purpose is to show that anybody – young or old – can get fibromyalgia or ME/CFS and still look perfectly normal to outsiders.”

The event will be held at the Film Photo Studio, 5 Enterprise Way, Cheltenham GL51 8LZ, between 10am and 5pm.

It's a collaboration between the photographer's studio, the Cheltenham group and Tewkesbury model Kirsty Nicholls who will be bringing along some of her friends. The biggest buzz behind the event has been created on Facebook where a ‘public events' page has been set up at to encourage people to be there on the day.


The serious side of Cheltenham Fibro ME/CFS Babes and Guys will be on view at the Borough Council offices, Promenade, Cheltenham GL50 9SA, on Thursday, July 19. They will be hosting a talk by Dr Andrew Holman, a consultant rheumatologist in Seattle and leading light in the US-based National Fibromyalgia Research Association. Please be there by 2pm so the talk can start at 2.20pm. Ticket are selling fast at £5 (members) or £4 (non-members) so it's best to check with Alice Reeve first to see if any are left. Phone 0844 887 2483 or 07970 462 092.

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